About psilocybin.com.au

While the effects of magic mushrooms have been of interest to psychiatry since the 1950s, the classification of all psychedelics in the US as schedule 1 drugs in the 1970s, in the wake of the Vietnam war and the rise of recreational drug use in the hippy counter-culture, erected daunting legal and financial obstacles to running trials. This caused serious research to all but grind to a halt.

Over the last decade, interest from scientific and medical researchers has been rekindled, and governments have been more receptive to opening the door to trials, as many western societies grapple with skyrocketing rates of depression, suicide, and opioid abuse. Conventional treatments such as SSRIs have modest success, significant side-effects, and are open to abuse.

With conventional treatments failing, it is hardly surprising that interest is growing once again in psilocybin, a naturally occurring compound, that is non-addictive, cheap to produce, non-patentable (so it can’t be controlled by big Pharma), and that held out so much promise in those early trials of the 1950s and 60s.

The results from the small-scale trials that have been conducted since the mid 2000s have been nothing short of staggering.  

Leading researchers around the world, at some of the world’s most prestigious universities and hospitals, are now scaling up those trials to prove that the same benefits can be delivered to societies as a whole.

While the primary focus of the medical community is on using psilocybin in a therapeutic context, there are also interesting trials being conducted into the benefits of psilocybin for the “well” i.e. using psilocybin to enhance creativity, compassion, connectedness to the natural world, and open mindedness.  

The goal of this website is to share those exciting developments as they occur and to be a central point for information relating to the use of psilocybin.

We would always love to hear from you if you have any suggestions on how we might add to the site or if we have missed any exciting new news.